Primordial Sound Meditation 

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Corinne is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra to teach a form of meditation called Primordial Sound Meditation.  Primordial Sounds are the basic most essential sounds of nature and used to disconnect us from the activity of life.  This time tested meditation technique dates back thousands of years to the Ancient Vedic traditions of India and has been made available in a format that is easily learned by everyone.  

Corinne will teach you your personal "Primordial Sound Mantra” which is calculated through Vedic mathematics based on the vibration the Universe was making at the moment of your birth.  When you silently repeat your “personal mantra” in meditation, it creates a vibration that helps you slip into the space between your thoughts, into the complete silence that is sometimes referred to as “the gap”.  Your mind is no longer caught up in its noisy internal chatter and is instead, exposed to its own deepest nature: pure awareness. 

‘Mantra’ is a Sanskrit term meaning “vehicle of the mind” and is a tool that transports you to a state of blissful and profound peace within.  

Primordial Sound Meditation is for the beginner and experienced meditator. This powerful technique moves you beyond the mind’s constant stream of 50 to 80 thousand thoughts of noisy, inner chatter, into the stillness of pure awareness. We do not force the mind to be quiet, but experience the quiet that is already innately there.  Everyone has access to this inner silence, even those who say “my mind is filled with agitation and stressful thoughts”.  

For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind’s busy activity and emotional turbulence onto profound peace and expanded awareness.  In the 21st century, the restful awareness we experience during meditation is more valuable than ever before.  The pace of life has accelerated and every day we are bombarded with more information and stimulation than our ancestors encountered during an entire lifetimes.  Not surprisingly, the number of people suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic health problems is on the rise – and many are searching for peace of mind. 

Primordial Sound Meditation is taught in a four-part series, each session has its own body of knowledge.  This carefully designed format provides you with maximum benefit, understanding and enjoyment. 

The format is generally taught over the course of two days to allow you time to integrate the teachings and meditate on your own. By learning Primordial Sound Mediation in consecutive sessions over an extended period of time, you are given the opportunity ask questions and discuss your experience.

Primordial Sound Meditation is recommended for anyone who wants to experience greater joy, inner calm, peace of mind, deeper relaxation and better health.  The most direct way to experience these benefits of well-being is through meditation. 

Scientific studies have now proven that a regular practice of meditation offers immense benefits for the body, mind and spirit.


 "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you"

~ Deepak Chopra



How Do I Start?​

Just send us a quick email and we'll contact you.

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I also teach an beginner's meditation course at the Muttart Conservatory called "Refresh & Recharge" Meditation. To register call 311 - (City of Edmonton) or go to this link: Sign Me Up!  As well, please take a moment to read our blog.  Here you will find information on the benefits of meditation as well as tips on maintaining your practice. I also add posts about the news surrounding meditation.