Click on Video above to See Santa Fly By the Muttart Conservatory
Hey Kids! Our Santa Tracker managed to catch Santa Claus on video flying near the Muttart Conservatory in Edmonton. He must be using the well-known landmark as a navigation point. We would also like to give the adults a few tips about dealing with that old Grinch known as STRESS.
Keep your expectations realistic. We all want the perfect holiday season complete with snow, a fireplace and stockings hung with care. We've seen it a thousand times on television, in the movies and on countless Christmas cards. The problem is when your reality fails to meet your expectations you'll end up disappointed. Ask any six year-old with a two page wish list. If you go into the season without expectations you may be wonderfully surprised at what shows up. Being present is a true present.
Practise gratitude for what you already have. Make a list of all the people, places and things you hold dear. It's bound to make you feel happier and remember, you'll receive more of what you value.
Treat yourself well over the holidays. This means being moderate in all things so you won't suffer the consequences of over indulgence. Find a balance so you can enjoy the company of friends and family. Go for a walk. A little exercise always elevates your mood.
Give to others. It doesn't have to be extravagant - it could be just a smile. You'll make someone else happy and you'll feel good too.
Give to yourself. During the hectic holidays and the whirl of social gatherings, one of the nicest gifts you can give yourself is peace and joy. Why not try meditating before everyone else gets up on Christmas morning. I know it will make the day special.